Monday, January 28, 2008

034: Plastic, Anderson Lounge competition, and topography.

Go to archi-arts.


Anderson Lounge competition entries:


The first is a "joke:" It is my ridiculous idea (that I actually would love to be materialized): the giant squid, or, the XL SQUID. Remember what Rem says about Bigness-- a huge "fuck you!" to all other things-- it is such a large squid that it is valid as furniture. It transcends all other furniture. Or so, I jest.


The second seems a bit unconventional, but by nailing perpendicular book ends, the 60 degree angle won't be as tough to adjust to. It leaves place for everything in the "program"...that is sitting space, a pencil box, a library and magazine rack-- even space for a coffeemaker.

And its modular-- you can place them around the column, use them as seats. Etc.

Wheeler Station, a topographic knot.

This is what I am working on- conceptualizing the urban transit knot as a topography. I picked one of the harder solutions to it-- but I will try!

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